正文 43、人生如瓶――高尔夫球、卵…

目录:一个奥斯汀荣誉市民的美国生活| 作者:毕胜福| 类别:都市言情

    第三十章:海外万家灯火 天下奇闻轶事











    文章来源 万维读者 奇文共欣赏 疑义相与析


    professorbefore his philosophy clme items in frf

    class began, wordlessly, he picked up a very largmpty mayse jar and procfillh golf ballkif the jar was full. They agreed th

    he professor then picked up a box of pebblpourjark the jar lightly. The pebbles rolledhe open areas bgolf ballkf the jar was full they agreed it

    he professor next picked up a box ofpouredhe jar . Of course,filled up everything elked once more if the jar was fullrespiths “yes.”

    he professor then producedps of coffee frderble and pourirjar, effectively fillhe empty space blaughed.

    “Now,” said the professor,laughter subsided, “yris jar repryour lifgolf balls are the imporhings- your God, family, your children, your health, your friends, and your f*ourite passions?thingif everything ellly they remained your life would still be full.

    he pebbles arr things ther like your job, your house, and your car.

    is everything else ―ll stuff.

    f you pjar first,” heed, “there is no room for the pebbles or the golf ballme goes for life. If you spend all your timrgyhe *all stuff, yll never h*e room foringre impory

    Payingre crl to your happiness. Play with your childreke timeet medical checkups. Take your partnerdinner. Playher 18. There will always be timelfix the disposal.”

    ke care of the golf balls first ―ingreallyer. Set your prioritirest is j”

    e ofraised herinquircoffee repr

    he professor *iled. “I’m glad you askedst goes tyou ther how full your life may seem, there’s always room forple of cups of coffee with a friend.”